
Where in the world have I been?

Nowhere. Stuck right here in my office, working frantically for a client who thinks the world revolves around their needs. I agreed to it, and that's OK, but it's taken over my life and I'm trying to regain some control :-). The project should end around December 1st, and then maybe I'll be back to normal (whatever "normal" is for me!). Sorry I haven't posted for so long. I actually wrote a couple essays this week and should be posting more soon. But in the meantime, just wanted to say hello, in case anyone out there is still checking in, and to post a link to a surprise I found this morning. I went online to read the latest issue of Kyria magazine, and discovered that another of my devotions is in this issue. They bought it months and months ago but just hadn't told me when it would be running. Pretty exciting to happen upon something like that.

Hope you enjoy... (go here and turn to page 5)
Plugged in to the Source

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